Thursday, January 2, 2014

sometimes....we love. without loving.

life has this way of throwing us off.
a little bit.
ya know?

suddenly everything that made sense...
makes no sense.

our souls are so strong.
yet maybe a little lost.
they are SOULS for goodness sake.
NOTHING is going to break them, yet EVERYTHING is going to challenge them.
that is the purpose, right.

they are persevere-ant.
but at the same time.
still searching.
always -
for what exactly it is....
that makes them stir.

it takes a lifetime to understand.

i think.
we are MEANT to feel.
in this moment.
in order to get to where we are going.

so every time someone or something....
pay attention.
everything matters.
on some level or another.

soak it in - or let it go.
your choice.


Noelle Reese said...

My gosh. It really is that simple. Soak it in or let it go. Amen sister! I needed that little piece of advice <3

Dru's News said...

Always good to be reminded of the importance of being in the moment. Thanks, and many blessings to you and yours in the new year.

health magazine said...

Nice post thank you for sharing Article. healthmagazineus

Devain pratap said...

Well, your blog looks professional as hell.
Rock on ;)
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